How a General Dentist May Decide Whether to Pull or Save a Tooth

General Dentist Houston, TX

A general dentist is a great resource to utilize when struggling with an unhealthy tooth. They have the training and experience to know how to handle just about any type of damage, whether it be a loose or infected tooth. When it comes to a general dentist pulling a tooth or saving it, there are a few things to know. Keep reading to find out more. 

To save or pull a tooth

Below is a quick overview of what a general dentist may consider when it comes to saving or pulling a tooth. This information can be helpful to review, especially when unsure of what to expect.

Things that are considered

Pulling a tooth

When a general dentist chooses to pull a tooth, they will consider a few things before doing so. First and foremost, if the tooth is completely rotted, it will definitely require extraction. Secondly, if the tooth is on its way to rotting for good, extraction may be the only option. General dentists will always work to save a tooth before pulling it; however, in some cases, treatment may not be possible. Lastly, another reason that a general dentist may opt for extraction is if the tooth is almost dislodged. Some injuries to the mouth can result in a very loose tooth, which may require extraction. 

Saving a tooth

When it comes to a general dentist saving an unhealthy tooth, they will also consider whether or not the tooth is rotten. Teeth that are badly infected and have cavities can oftentimes be saved with a series of treatments; however, multiple appointments may be required, which can be grueling on the mouth. Common treatments to save an unhealthy tooth include root canals and dental crown placement. 

If a tooth is slightly loose as a result of an injury then the general dentist may be able to salvage it. Again, even if salvaging a tooth is the route taken, multiple treatments may be required. General dentists treat loose teeth by performing flap surgery on the gums or inserting a splint. 

What else to know

When it comes to having a tooth saved or extracted, it is important to know that a general dentist will do everything they can to first save the tooth. Additionally, it is important to know that once extraction is performed, a replacement is likely the next recommended step. Having a missing tooth can do a lot of damage to one's oral health, which is why it is key to first try and prevent the need to have a tooth saved or extracted. 

Find out more from a general dentist

When dealing with an unhealthy tooth, the best thing to do is undergo a consultation with a general dentist. The consultation will give the dentist a chance to evaluate the tooth in order to determine what steps to take next, whether that be extraction or salvaging. To learn more or to get scheduled for a consultation appointment, reach out today. Our general dentist can help get the process started. 

Request an appointment here: or call Ashley Family Dental at (713) 405-3499 for an appointment in our Houston office.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: General Dentist in Houston, TX.

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